Chapter 13 Events of Holy Week – Part 3

In the previous lessons… 在前面的课程中

  • I. The Birth and Childhood of John and of Jesus


  • II. The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus


  • III. Jesus ministers in Judea (Spring 27-Spring 28 – about 1 year)

    耶稣在犹大传道 (公元27 年春 – 28 年春 - 约一年)

  • IV. Jesus ministers in Galilee (Spring 28-Spring 29 – about 1 year)

    耶稣在加利利传道 (公元28年春 – 29年春 -约一年)

  • V. Jesus’ Withdrawals (Spring 29 to Fall 29 – about 6 months)

    耶稣的退隐 (公元29年春 到29年秋 - 大约六个月)

  • VI. Later Judean Ministry and back to Galilee (Fall of 29)


  • VII. The death journey – from Galilee – ultimately to Jerusalem (Fall of 29 – Spring of 30)

    死亡之旅 – 从加利利开始,最后到耶路撒冷(公元后二十九年秋 – 三十年春)

  • VIII. Events of Holy Week (7 days in Spring of 30)


    a. The triumphal entry into Jerusalem


    b. Parables to warn the Jewish leaders


    c. Jesus is questioned by the Jewish leaders


    d. Jesus responds further to the Jewish leaders


    e. Acceptance and Rejection


    f. Signs of the end of the age


    g. The plot to kill Jesus


    h. The Passover Celebration


    i. Jesus comforts and counsels his disciples


    j. Jesus says more to the disciples on the way to Gethsemane


    k. Jesus prays


Jesus is betrayed and arrested in Gethsemane – Luke 22:47-53 John 18:1-11

耶稣在客西马尼园被出卖并被捕 -- 路加福音22:47-53    约翰福音18:1-11

Jesus suffered mental and spiritual grief in the garden. Soon his physical struggle and suffering would begin. Judas entered the garden leading a group of Roman soldiers armed with swords and Jewish religious leaders and temple guards carrying clubs. Judas showed which man the soldiers should arrest by going up to the Son of God and kissing him. This was the worst act of betrayal in human history.


Jesus did not normally use his divine power while on earth except to heal or help people. This time, however, his power threw the mob to the ground. Then Jesus surrendered himself. In this was he indicated that he was willing to be arrested and suffer. But the disciples did not understand what Jesus was doing. Peter grabbed his sword and struck one of the soldiers, cutting off the man’s ear. Jesus healed the man’s ear, again showing that he was peacefully going with the arresting soldiers and did not want to cause a bloody fight.


After Jesus was arrested, the disciples, along with an unnamed young man, fled. Since the latter is mentioned only in Mark’s Gospel account, it is thought that this man was Mark.


Before beginning a study of Jesus’ trials before the religious leaders, we should remember that several times earlier he had prophesied about the events that would now happen.


Matthew Mark Luke John
1. At the first cleansing of the temple 2:19-22
2. At Caesarea Philippi 16:21-23 8:31-33 9:22
3. At the close of the Galilean ministry 17:22-23 9:31-32 9:43-45
4. On the final journey to Jerusalem 20:17-19 10:32-34 18:31-34
5. Two days before the final Passover 26:1-2
6. Thursday night of Holy Week 26:31-32 14:27-28
马太福音 马可福音 路加福音 约翰福音
1.第一次洁净圣殿 2:19-22
2. 在该撒利亚腓立比 16:21-23 8:31-33 9:22
3. 结束加利利的传道工作时 17:22-23 9:31-32 9:43-45
4. 在最后一次前往耶路撒冷的路上 20:17-19 10:32-34 18:31-34
5. 最后的逾越节晚餐前两天 26:1-2
6. 圣周的星期四夜里 26:31-32 14:27-28

If we put all six of these prophecies together it would read like this:


Destroy the temple of my body and I will raise it again in three days. But before this I must go to Jerusalem and be betrayed into the hands of men. You disciples will be scattered. I must suffer many things at the hands of the Jewish religious leaders. They will condemn me to death and turn me over to the Gentiles. They will mock, spit on, beat, and crucify me. On the third day I will be raised to life.


Jesus is placed on trial by the Jewish religious leaders


Jesus is brought first to Annas – John 18:12-14; 19-24

耶稣首先被带到亚那面前 -- 约翰福音18:12-14;19-24

Annas was the high priest whom the Jews recognized as their high priest. It was in the trial before Annas that “evidence” was gathered against Jesus. Annas, however, was not recognized by the Romans. Caiaphas, Annas’ son-in-law, had the respect of the Romans. A trial before Caiaphas was necessary for the Romans to take notice.


Peter denies Jesus – Luke 22:55-62

彼得否认耶稣 -- 路加福音22:55-62

While Jesus was being tried by the religious leaders, in a near-by courtyard Peter was also on trial. People there were accusing him of being a disciple of Jesus. Three times he pleaded not guilty. When the rooster crowed for the second time Peter remembered Jesus’ earlier warning, “before the rooster crows twice you yourself will deny me three times.” Then he broke down and wept (Mark 14:30,72).


Jesus is convicted of blasphemy by Caiaphas – Luke 22:63-71

耶稣被该亚法判为亵渎上帝 -- 路加福音22:63-71  

Jesus was then taken to the house of the high priest, Caiaphas. Soon some members of the Jewish council (Sanhedrin) gathered to judge him. As he had prophesied, Jesus suffered many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests, and teachers of the Law. He was blindfolded, hit, and spit on. Then this court condemned him to death. His crime was claiming to be the Son of God. Since his claim was true, there was really no crime at all.


When Jesus said that he was the Christ, he added, “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven” (Mark 14:62). What did Jesus mean? For the moment these religious leaders were his judges, but one day he would be their Judge. They might kill his earthy body, but he would one day decide where these leaders would spend eternity.


Since the Jewish council could not legally conduct business at night, they met again at daybreak to confirm the decision of their secret night meeting. They condemned Christ. He was guilty of blasphemy, a crime with the penalty of death. However, while the Roman government allowed the Jews to punish small crimes themselves, they were not permitted to put anyone to death. Only a Roman court could execute someone. Thus, according to Jesus’ prophecy, the Jews turned him over to the Gentile Romans.


Judas hangs himself – Matthew 27:3-10

犹大上吊自杀 -- 马太福音27:3-10

The tragic case of Judas Iscariot is a good reminder that where sin remains unforgiven, man has no inner peace. In spite of the 30 silver coins in his purse, the weight of God’s Law (Deuteronomy 27:25) pressed down heavily on him. Even confessing his wrong and returning the money could not bring him peace. He now decided on suicide.


Meanwhile, there was another man filled with sorrow because of his sins. He was Peter, the one who had denied the Savior three times. It is interesting to see how Peter found the inner peace which Judas wanted so much. But that story will have to wait until the next chapter.


Jesus is placed on trial by the Gentiles


Pilate – Luke 23:1-5

彼拉多 -- 路加福音23:1-5

The Jews condemned Jesus for religious reasons. When they brought him before the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, they changed their charges. Since Pilate would not be interested in religious issues, Jesus was charged with political crimes.


During the course of the trial, just as he predicted, Jesus was mocked, spit on, flogged and [as we will see shortly] crucified by the Gentiles. The Jewish guards had mocked and beaten Jesus because he was the Messiah. The Roman soldiers did the same to Jesus because he was a king.


Herod – Luke 23:6-11

希律 -- 路加福音23:6-11

Pilate, in spite of all his failings, was not easy to fool. He could see that Jesus was innocent and that the Jews were jealous of him. So he tried to refer the case to King Herod.


Herod did not accomplish anything except to ridicule and make fun of Jesus. Then Herod sent Jesus back to Pilate.


Pilate – a second time – Luke 23:12-25

彼拉多 – 第二次 – 路加福音 23:12-25

Luke tells us that on this day Pilate and Herod became friends. Herod and Pilate had been arguing over political matters. But they had agreed that Jesus was a nuisance. By their “friendship” these Jewish and Gentile leaders fulfilled prophecy. See Psalm 2:1-3. Also read Acts 4:25-27.


Pilate had Jesus beaten, hoping that the Jews would pity him. When that failed, he threatened to release a violent criminal named Barabbas. But the Jews would not take “no” for an answer. They got their way by threats. While Pilate was washing his hands of the whole matter the Jews cried out, “Let his blood be on us and on our children” (Matt. 27:24-25).


John’s Gospel (especially chapters 18 and 19) includes more of the conversations between Pilate and Jesus. For a while it seems that Pilate was being convinced that Jesus should be released. But Pilate’s personal concern about his own future was more important to him. So Pilate yielded to the demands of the people; Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified.


The crucifixion of Jesus


According to Matthew – Matthew 27:32-44

根据马太 – 马太福音27:32-44

According to Mark – Mark 15:21-32

根据马可 – 马可福音15:21-32

According to Luke – Luke 23:26-43

根据路加 – 路加福音23:26-43

According to John – John 19:17-27

根据约翰 – 约翰福音19:17-27

The streets on which Jesus walked to the cross is called the Way of Sorrows (Via Dolorosa). Leaving the court of Pilate, he was dressed in his own clothes, and a heavy cross was laid on his shoulders. Condemned criminals usually had to carry their own crosses to the execution site. The Lord did carry his cross (more accurately, our cross) as far as his tortured body would allow. Then he collapsed. The soldiers then made a pilgrim named Simon carry the cross the rest of the way.

耶稣走向十字架所路过的街道被称作“苦路”(Via Dolorosa)。离开彼拉多之后,耶稣穿着他自己的衣服,扛起了沉重的十字架。被定罪的犯人一般要扛着他自己的十字架走到行刑地。主扛着他的十字架(更准确地说,是我们的十字架),拖着他被拷打的身体尽力的向前走,直到他难以为继。士兵们于是勉强一位叫做西门的朝圣者,替耶稣扛十字架走余下的路。

The death march attracted a crowd. Among them were some believing women who began to mourn and wail as was the local custom. However, Jesus would not even allow this expression of sorrow. He encouraged them to look into their own future and see the destruction of their city (A.D. 70). Jesus’ unselfish warning was his last public speech before his death.


At last they came to a skull-shaped hill outside the city wall. There on Golgotha, or Calvary, Jesus was crucified between two criminals. Nails were driven through his wrists and feet, and the cross was stood up. It was 9:00 A.M.


For the next three hours Jesus suffered the physical pain of crucifixion and mental suffering from the cruel Jewish and Roman spectators. But Jesus had expected such treatment and the Old Testament prophecies had already described the scene accurately (Psalm 22:1-18; Isaiah 53:12).


It was during these pre-noon hours that Jesus made his first three statements from the cross. In each case he showed true concern, not for himself, but for mankind. He prayed for who had caused his death, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). To the repentant criminal on the cross next to him, he made the promise, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43). Finally, Jesus gave instant comfort and lasting security to his dear mother bleeding from her very soul (Luke 2:35). Referring to his beloved disciple John, Jesus said, “Dear woman, here is your son.” To John he explained, “Here is your mother” (John 19:26-27).


The death of Jesus


According to Matthew – Matthew 27:45-56

根据马太 – 马太福音27:45-56

According to Mark – Mark 15:33-41

根据马可 – 马可福音15:33-41

According to Luke – Luke 23:44-49

根据路加 – 路加福音23:44-29

According to John – John 19:28-37

根据约翰 – 约翰福音19:28-37

At noon darkness fell across the whole earth, lasting for three hours. This sign from heaven quieted the crowd. No one could see Jesus’ face during this time, and the Lord was left to himself.


We cannot imagine how much pain Jesus suffered during these dark hours. The weight, guilt, and punishment for the sins of all mankind were on him. Suddenly, at 3:00 P.M, Jesus cried out in a loud voice saying, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46; Psalm 22:1). When God the Father withdraws himself from a person, then that person experiences hell (Matthew 25:41).


Light then returned to the earth. The three hours of suffering in hell was completed. Jesus then found strength for three final statements.


He said, “I am thirsty” (John 19:28) so that the last Old Testament prophecy concerning his death might be fulfilled (Psalm 22:15; Psalm 69:21).


Once the drink had been given to him, Jesus could say confidently, “It is finished” (John 19:30). While his enemies were happy at his defeat, the shout of triumph comes from the lips of Jesus. This word was a report to the Father who had sent him; but it was said in a loud voice so that all people could hear it. With the greatest single word ever spoken, he announced the finish of the work which his Father had given him. Finished was his work of redemption, the work of bringing God and man together again, the work of suffering and dying for all people. The rule of the prince of hell had been broken, and Satan had been crushed under his heel.


With his mission finished, Jesus now could allow his broken body to die. His last words were, “Father, I give my spirit into your hands” (Luke 23:46).


At that very moment God the Father added his own “amen” to Jesus’ perfect death. The Old Testament was closed; the new time of grace had begun. The curtain (as thick as the palm of a man’s hand) which sealed off the Most Holy Place in the Temple was torn from top to bottom. This showed that because of Jesus’ atoning death all sinners can now approach God. Meanwhile the earth shook. The resurrection was begun as dead believers were made alive. A Roman centurion made a startling discovery: Jesus was “a righteous man… The Son of God” (Luke 23:47; Mark 15:39).


The Burial of Jesus


According to Matthew – Matthew 27:57-61

根据马太 – 马太福音27:57-61

According to Mark – Mark 15:42-47

根据马可 – 马可福音15:42-47

According to Luke – Luke 23:50-56

根据路加 – 路加福音23:50-56

According to John – John 19:38-42

根据约翰 – 约翰福音19:38-42

Since evening was coming on and sundown marked the beginning of Saturday, the Sabbath, the Jews asked that the execution be completed and the bodies removed from the crosses. By breaking the two criminals’ legs the soldiers made sure that they would soon die. Jesus, however; was already dead. A soldier stuck a spear into his side, missing his ribs, but piercing his heart. This too was according to God’s plan (Exodus 12:46; Psalm 34:20; Zechariah 12:10).


The faithful women at the foot of the cross, as well as loyal John, were overcome with grief. They had made no plans for the Lord’s burial. But God the Father had worked out the details in advance (Isaiah 53:9). The rich believer Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus were allowed to bury the lifeless body. Good Friday came to a close. The Lord was buried in the Garden Tomb and a large stone was rolled into place, closing the burial chamber.


Review of Chapter 13

  1. John’s Gospel emphasizes that Jesus is God the Son. Why is it appropriate to the theme of John’s Gospel that this Gospel includes the events recorded in chapter 18:4-6?


  2. Read Luke 22:49-51. Why is it appropriate that Luke should mention this miracle in the Garden of Gethsemane? See Colossians 4:14.


  3. In 1990 the bones of a man mentioned in the Bible were uncovered in Jerusalem. This man played a large part in the events of Holy Week. See if you can discover, by doing the research, whose bones were discovered.


  4. Write down the 7 sentences which Jesus spoke from the cross:


    a. Luke 23:34 路加福音23:34

    b. Luke 23:43 路加福音23:43

    c. John 19:26-27 约翰福音19:26-27

    d. Matthew 27:46 马太福音27:46

    e. John 19:28 约翰福音19:28

    f. John 19:30 约翰福音19:30

    g. Luke 23:46 路加福音23:46

  5. Read Isaiah 52:13-53:12.


    a. In what ways does this prophecy from 700 years before Christ describe the events of Holy Week?


    b. The central verse is 53:5. What is the significance of all these events for us?
