Chapter 5 Jesus Continues his Second Year of Ministry – in Galilee

In The Previous Lessons… 在前面的课程中

  • I. Introduction 导言
  • II. The Birth and Childhood of John and of Jesus 约翰和耶稣的出生和童年
  • III. The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus 耶稣的受洗和受到试探
  • IV. Jesus ministers in Judea (Spring 27-Spring 28 – about 1 year) 耶稣在犹大传道 (公元27 年春 – 28 年春 - 约一年)
  • V. Jesus ministers in Galilee (Spring 28-Spring 29 – about 1 year) 耶稣在加利利传道 (公元28年春 – 29年春 -约一年)

Jesus calls Levi [Matthew] – Luke 5:27-32 Matthew 9:9-13

耶稣呼召利未人【马太】– 路加福音5:27-32 马太9:9-13

Jesus spent that evening with some of the religious leaders of Israel. Soon after, he was surrounded by people who were not respected in society. They were well known as sinners and were dinner guests of a man called Levi.


Earlier that day Jesus had preached near the Sea of Galilee. Close by was the great highway running north to Damascus. Since this road was heavily traveled by merchants, the Roman government had set up toll booths. There tax collectors gathered import and export fees. These tax collectors often cheated people. They also worked for the Roman government. As a result, the Jews hated them.


When Jesus passed the tax collector Levi, he said, “Follow me” (Matthew 9:9). Levi did follow Jesus. Shortly afterwards he invited Jesus and his disciples to a dinner also attended by his friends. When the Pharisees and Scribes heard of this they became angry. Jesus’ response to them has warmed the hearts of repentant sinners to this day: “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:31-32).

当耶稣从税吏利未身边经过时,他说:“跟从我”(太9:9)利未就跟从了耶稣。随后他立刻邀请耶稣和他的门徒到家里吃晚餐,他的朋友们也参加。当法利赛人和文士听说这件事时就发怒。耶稣的反应至今为止都温暖着认罪悔改人的心: “无病的人用不着医生,有病的人才用得着。我来本不是召义人悔改,乃是召罪人悔改”(路5:31-2)。

Jesus chooses the Twelve – Luke 6:12-16; Matthew 10:2-4; Mark 3:13-19

耶稣拣选十二个门徒 – 路加福音6:12-16; 马太福音10:2-4; 马可福音3:13-19

One evening in the spring of A.D. 28 Jesus went for a walk. Leaving Capernaum, Jesus hiked to a mountain top where he could be alone and pray all night long.


As Jesus talked to his Father he was thinking about a big decision he had to make. The time had come to choose a dozen men who would become his students. They would be with Jesus, learn from his words and carry his message to many other people. After Jesus went to heaven, these followers would lead and spread his church on earth.


Jesus reached his decision. He now chose 12 men as his special apostles. He had already called Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Nathanael (Bartholomew), and Matthew. Now he added Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus (Lebbaeus, Judas), Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot.


What it means to follow Jesus – Luke 9:57-62

跟随耶稣意味着什么 – 路加福音9:57-62

Jesus wants us, who follow him, to be ready to pay the price. That price may include loss of earthly comforts. In order for Jesus to obey the Father’s will, Jesus left his home in Nazareth and became an itinerant teacher and preacher of God’s Word.


In this world we must associate with or live among the people of this world. However, when our earthly friendships or family relationships threaten to prevent us from putting Jesus first in our lives (Luke 12:31), we must choose Jesus, not the people of this world.


Jesus wants followers who will follow at all times. Jesus does not want us to be distracted by our allegiance to this world.


The sermon on the Mount – Matthew 5:1-7:29; Luke 6:17-49

登山宝训 – 马太福音5:1-7:29 ; 路加福音6:17-49

By the time Jesus had completed calling “The Twelve” a large crowd had gathered. Jesus found a level place on the mountain and there preached the sermon we now call the Sermon on the Mount. This, the longest sermon of Jesus in the Bible, was a message for those who already believed in him. Thus, his purpose was not to bring them to faith, but to outline what it meant to follow him.


In his sermon Jesus discussed two main subjects: the believer’s relationship to God and the believer’s relationship to other people. The Savior mixed these two subjects together as he taught about everything from prayer to charity, from judging to divorce. The whole time he kept emphasizing that faith is a matter of the heart, not of going through outward actions.


The Beatitudes 八福

Jesus’ sermon opened with the statements which we call the “Beatitudes.” The word “beatitude” comes from the Latin word that means “blessed,” the first word in each statement. Only believers have the spiritual gift of being blessed. In the first four beatitudes Jesus discussed the connection between believers and God. In the last four he taught about how believers were to act towards other humans. This is similar to the two parts of the Ten Commandments.


  1. Blessed are the poor in spirit. The poor in spirit are those people who are aware that they are spiritually poor. They know that they have nothing to offer God, that they are full of sin. They feel unworthy of God’s blessings. They are the ones who will enjoy the gifts of God.


  2. Blessed are those who mourn. These are the people who are distressed because of their sin. They know that sin separates them from God. Yet they will be assured of God’s love and forgiveness.


  3. Blessed are the meek. These are the Christians who realize their proper place before God and wish to do his will. They will benefit from the earth, for all things will work for their good both now and in the next life.


  4. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. These are the people who eagerly wish and try to be holy as God wishes them to be. They will, through faith in Jesus Christ, be declared holy by God.


  5. Blessed are the merciful. Those Christians are filled with love for all humans. They will obtain mercy.


  6. Blessed are the pure in heart. These are the people who honestly say what they believe in their hearts. Like Adam before the fall, they will one day see God, face to face.


  7. Blessed are the peacemakers. They strive for harmony and try to live in peace with everyone and everything. They are God’s children because they are living like their heavenly Father.


  8. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness. Such people are willing to be disliked, dishonored, abused, or suffer in any way because of their faith. They will be honored and accepted in God’s Kingdom.


Thus Jesus first taught that true religion is a matter of what is inside (what is in the heart, the gifts promised and provided by God). Jesus now went on to condemn how the Pharisees put their trust in outward actions. [We are all self-righteous people.] They put their trust in their own actions and are only concerned with how they are viewed by other people. Their reward for being only concerned about what others think is soon gone.


People with faith in their hearts have a very important role to play in the world. They are, and must remain, salt and light. Salt is used to preserve food. As a seasoning it adds flavor. Salt is also necessary for the body to live. In the same way Christians bring decency and order to our dying world. In this way Christians help to preserve it. And it doesn’t take many Christians to have a good effect on society. But Christians are not to remain a hidden force. They are to make their presence known. They are to light up the world’s darkness. They are to be lights of hope for all to see.


At this point in his sermon, Christ became more personal. He briefly spoke of his role as the Messiah (the Christ). He came not to fight Rome, but to fulfill the Scriptures (the Law and the Prophets) for mankind’s credit. When Christ perfectly obeyed the Law, he did not do it by just outwardly obeying it. He obeyed because of his pure heart.


Jesus’ followers must also be concerned with their hearts. They must realize that murder develops from anger, and adultery comes from lust. The Law was written to protect our neighbor’s body and marriage. Truth is truth; lie is lie. People should not need to take oaths, but if they do they should keep them. Revenge is also a sin that has roots in man’s heart. The desire for revenge must be replaced with understanding and love. In all things the example of God should fill the heart of the disciple: “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48).


A pure heart shows itself in a truly Christian life and heart. Acts of holiness should not be done to impress people. Rather they should be done quietly. This applies to giving offerings, praying, and fasting. Believers should always keep their minds on God’s kingdom. Loving possessions and luxury leads to greed and constant worry.


As we have seen, Jesus in his sermon blended these two thoughts. The disciple’s heart must be in proper relationship to God and to his fellow man. Jesus was still teaching these same things at the end of his sermon. He taught that believers do not judge hearts. They do not allow the holy things of God to be treated as unclean. Believers speak from their hearts to God through prayer, and he blesses them with the best things. When disciples are faced with false prophets they maintain God’s Word in its truth and purity.


Finally, Jesus wanted the crowd to understand that his words were not just fine sayings that made good sense. They were the words of truth, the words of God, which must be obeyed.


As the people left the mountain that day they were “amazed” (Matthew 7:28). Unlike the Scribes, Jesus had not given a talk about small issues. He had taken divine truth and showed what it meant in their everyday lives. He had ended some of their greatest doubts. In the days ahead they would try to sort out the meaning of every statement and how it fit into the rest of his teachings.


Jesus calms a storm – Luke 8:22-25; Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:36-41

耶稣平息风浪 – 路加福音8:22-25 马太福音8:23-27 马可福音4:36-41

By now it was evening. To escape the crowd Jesus and the disciples found a boat to take them across the Sea of Galilee. Before they could leave, however, three men asked to become his disciples. Jesus warned them that such a commitment would mean great personal sacrifice. They would have to put God’s work first in their lives. The men left.


Jesus and the disciples then began to sail across the lake. Jesus soon fell into a deep sleep. As frequently happens on that sea, a sudden and violent storm arose. The boat began to sink. The disciples were full of terror and woke Jesus. They shouted, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” (Mark 4:38).


Jesus got up and took care of the problem. He spoke two commands: “Silence, be quiet!” (Mark 4:39) Immediately there was a complete calm. The disciples were totally amazed. Thus, Jesus’ busiest day came to a close.


Jesus drives demons from two men – Luke 8:26-27; Matthew 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20

耶稣为两个人赶鬼 – 路加福音8:26-27 马太福音8:28-34 马可福音5:1-20

The morning following Jesus’ busiest day the Lord Jesus and his disciples were still in their boat on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. As soon as they came to shore, Jesus was met by two men possessed by demons. The Gospels tell us especially about what happened to one of the men.


Jesus spoke to the demons and threw them out of the man. The demons then entered a herd of pigs. These pigs then ran over a cliff into the sea. The one man then began to witness to others about the power of God..


Jesus heals a man who is paralyzed – Luke 5:17-26; Matthew 9:2-8; Mark 2:1-12

耶稣医治了一个瘫子 – 路加福音5:17-26 马太福音9:2-8 马可福音2:1-12

After many days, perhaps weeks, Jesus returned to Capernaum. Soon a crowd gathered. But not all of these people were local people. Pharisees and Scribes from various Galilean towns and from far away Jerusalem had traveled to hear and see Jesus. Many of these men were religious leaders. They wanted to keep an eye on Jesus.


An unusual event took place one day while Jesus was preaching to a large gathering inside Peter’s house. Four men had promised to help their paralyzed friend by taking him to Jesus. But a large crowd blocked the doors so they could not get close to Jesus. Instead they carried their paralyzed friend up the outside stairs to the top of the flat roof. Then they removed some of the roof tiles, and using ropes lowered him down on a mattress.


Jesus, however, didn’t just cure the man. Instead he said something very unexpected: “Friend, your sins are forgiven” (Luke 5:20). The Pharisees and Scribes immediately became angry. They thought, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?” But that was the point Jesus was trying to make. Jesus was himself truly God. Then Christ healed the man. On that day the Lord gave a public show of his divine authority to forgive sins and of his power to heal.


Jesus teaches about fasting – Luke 5:33-39; Matthew 9:14-17; Mark 2:18-22

耶稣关于禁食的教导 – 路加福音5:33-39 马太福音9:14-17 马可福音2:18-22

It was becoming more and more clear that Jesus’ teaching and life was very different from the religion practiced by the Pharisees. Among other things, Jesus did not encourage his disciples to fast. When he was asked about this, his answer was simple. Since Jesus was with his disciples now in person, it was not the right time to fast. Fasting was done to show grief and sorrow. After Jesus returned to heaven, then his disciples could fast.


Appendix: Fasting 附录:禁食

The following was written by Pastor Joel Prange.

下列是Joel Prange 牧师所写

[His words are slightly edited here.] [略有修改】

Jesus lived at a time when fasting was more popular than at any other time in Jewish history, ancient or modern. Jesus took fasting for granted. Jesus agreed with the prophetic condemnation of external and insincere fasting. But Jesus did not condemn the practice itself. Jesus Himself fasted for 40 days at the beginning of His ministry.


Although we do not read that Jesus fasted at any other time, Jesus apparently also observed the national days of fasting since His opponents do not fault Him for failing to do so. Jesus made two statements on the subject of fasting. The first is in Matthew 6:16-18.


“When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil, on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and you Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”


We see here that fasting is indeed neither commanded nor condemned. But when fasting is done (and Jesus apparently expects that fasting will be done), fasting is not to be done for show before other people. Jesus’ second statement regarding fasting is Matthew 9:14-15.


“Then John’s disciples came and asked him, ‘How is it that we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?’ Jesus answered, ‘How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast.”


Here Jesus refused to make any rules for His followers about fasting. In fact, He de-emphasized fasting by saying that the characteristic of His kingdom was to be joy and feasting, not sorrow and fasting. And yet he anticipated a time when His followers “will fast.”


There is no command to fast. But one cannot avoid saying that Jesus anticipated fasting among His followers. Even though the disciples were enjoying the bridegroom right then, Jesus indicated (in John 16:20, for example) that there would still be times of weeping, lamenting, and sorrow for them. It was especially the words of Matthew 9:15 (“then they will fast”) that were used to promote and defend the practice of fasting in the Christian Church in the centuries after Christ.


Appendix: The Disciples’ Names 附录:门徒的名字

Matthew 10 马太福音 10

Simon (Peter) 西门(彼得)

Andrew 安德烈

James 雅各

John 约翰

Philip 腓力

Bartholomew 巴多罗买

Thomas 多马

Matthew 马太

James (Alphaeus’) 雅各(亚勒腓的儿子)

Thaddaeus 达太

Simon the Zealot 奋锐党的西门

Judas Iscariot (wbh)加略人犹大

Mark 3 马可福音 3

Simon (Peter) 西门(彼得)

James 雅各

John 约翰 (Boanerges) (半尼其)

Andrew 安德烈

Philip 腓力

Bartholomew 巴多罗买

Matthew 马太

Thomas 多马

James (Alphaeus’) 雅各(亚勒腓的儿子)

Thaddaeus 达太

Simon the Zealot奋锐党的西门

Judas Iscariot (wbh) 加略人犹大

Luke 6 路加福音 6

Simon (Peter) 西门(彼得)

Andrew 安德烈

James 雅各


Philip 腓力

Bartholomew 巴多罗买

Matthew 马太


James (Alphaeus’) 雅各(亚勒腓的儿子)

Simon the Zealot 奋锐党的西门

Judas (James’) 犹大(雅各的)

Judas Iscariot (wbat) 加略人犹大

Acts 1 使徒行传 1







Bartholomew 巴多罗买

Matthew 马太

James (Alphaeus’)雅各(亚勒腓的儿子)

Simon the Zealot 奋锐党的西门

Judas (James’) 犹大(雅各的)

Review of Chapter 5 第五章 复习

  1. Review the records of the apostles’ names in (Matthew 10, Mark 3, Luke 6, Acts 1).


    a. Whose record includes the fact that Matthew was a tax collector?


    b. What are your thoughts about this fact?

  2. In what ways does being a follower of Jesus bring difficulty for you?


  3. Compare Matthew 6:33 with Luke 12:31.


    a. What difference do you find in the words of Jesus.


    b. Does following Jesus require your all; your everything? Or does following Jesus require the very best you have of time, treasure and talents?


  4. Jesus calmed a stormy sea with a command. Jesus also calms the believer’s mind and heart. How does Jesus do this?


  5. Have you ever fasted? If you have, why did you fast?
