Chapter 3 - Adam And Eve Fall Into Sin And Receive God's Gracious Help

  1. In chapter 3 of Genesis, we study what has been described as “the saddest chapter in the whole Bible.” We will explore the great tragedy that plunged the whole human race into sin and resulted in the devastating loss of the perfect blessing and joy that God intended people to have. However, we will also see the God of grace demonstrate His faithful love to reclaim the souls that were lost to Him and give them the promise of a Savior who would give them victory over everything that would defeat and destroy them.

  2. 在创世纪第三章,我们要学习称为“圣经最悲剧的一章”。我们会看到那使整个人类跌入罪恶中与神给人的祝福和喜乐完全隔绝的悲剧。然而我们也看到怜悯的神给人的信实的爱,他要拯救那些失丧的灵魂并且赐下救主的应许,这救主可以带人胜过一切本可能打败他们毁灭他们的。

Verse 1 第一节

  1. Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?’”


  1. In verse 1, God introduces us to a snake that is more than an ordinary snake. Later in the Bible, we learn the identity of this creature.

  2. 在第一节,上帝将一个不同寻常的蛇介绍给我们,在接下来的经文中,我们看到了这个受造之物的身份。

a. Who is he? (see Revelation 12:9) 他是谁?(参看示12:9)

b. What is he like? (John 8:44) 他是什么样的?(约 8:44)

  1. Hiding his true identify in the form of a crafty, wild animal, the devil/Satan came to the woman and began to attack her faith in God and His Word through cleverly devised temptations. What was the devil/Satan suggesting to the woman about God and His goodness with his question in verse 1?

  2. 撒旦将自己真实的本性隐藏在一个凶猛,狡猾的动物身上并且用精心设计的带有引诱的话语刺探女人对上帝及其话语的信仰。在第一节撒旦的问题中他想向女人暗示什么?

  3. What was Satan trying to accomplish with this question to the woman? (Verse 1)

  4. 撒旦试图利用自己跟女人的对话达到什么目的?

  5. Agree or Disagree? The Lord God, who knows everything that will happen, should never have permitted the people, whom He had so wonderfully made and so dearly loved, to be tempted to commit sin. (Explain your answer)

  6. 同意或不同意?神既然知道即将要发生的事并且他深爱人也就是他所奇妙创造的,那他是否应该去阻止那些容易受到引诱的人去犯罪呢?(请解释你的理由)

Verses 2-3– 2-3节

  1. The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3) but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”


  1. How did the woman answer the tempter’s question? (verses 2-3)


  1. How did her answer compare with what God had told Adam in Genesis 2:16-17?

  2. 女人的回答与在创世纪中神对亚当吩咐的话有什么出入?(2:16-17节)

  3. Agree or Disagree? The woman made a mistake by not immediately ending the discussion that dared to call God’s Word and His goodness into question. (Explain your answer)

  4. 同意或不同意?女人犯了没有当时就停止对话的错,这个对话不但挑战了神的话语也质疑了神的慈爱。

Verses 4-5– 4-5节

  1. “You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5)“For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”


  1. In verse 4, the devil/Satan is more bold in his attack on the woman’s faith. What does the devil/Satan declare about God and His Word in this verse?

  2. 在第四节中,撒旦对女人信仰的攻击更大胆了,在圣经章节中撒旦是怎样断言神的话的?

  3. What did the devil/Satan want to accomplish in the woman by this attack?

  4. 撒旦攻击这个女人,想成就什么事?

  5. The devil/Satan quickly followed up his second attack in verse 4 with another. What did he tell the woman in verse 5?


  1. What lie did the devil/Satan tell the woman about God in verse 5?

  2. 第五节中撒旦说了什么关于神的谎言?

  3. What false, misleading promise did the devil/Satan give her in this verse?

  4. 在这节中撒旦给了女人什么误导性的话?

  5. What was the devil/Satan trying to accomplish with his words to the woman in verse 5?

  6. 在第五节中,撒旦试图通过跟女人的对话达成什么目的?

  7. Satan’s strategy for tempting people to sin is very clever and extremely effective. At first, he wants to cause doubt about God in a person’s mind. Then he tries to get a person to disbelieve and dismiss God’s Word. Finally, he leads people to accept and trust his false promises so he can lead them to ruin. Give an example of how he uses that strategy on people today.

  8. 撒旦引诱人犯罪的伎俩是很狡猾的也是很有效果的。起先,他先从思想中让人怀疑神,然后他引诱人质疑神的话。最终让人相信他煽动性的言论骗得人走向毁灭。请给出现实的例子说明撒旦是如何用这个策略在当今引诱人犯罪的。

Verses 6-7– 6-7节

  1. When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her and he ate it. 7) Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.


  1. In the first part of verse 6, we learn how the woman reacted to the devil’s tempting words. What corrupt thinking had captured her heart, dominated her thoughts and influenced her actions?

  2. 在第六节前半部,我们看到了女人是如何回应撒旦试探性的话的,是什么堕落的想法制伏了她的心从而影响了她的行动?

  3. What sins did the woman commit by taking and eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? (v. 6a)

  4. 女人吃了分辨善恶树上的果子,犯了什么罪?

  5. We are not sure if Adam was present during all or some of the time that the devil tempted his wife. The devil may have tempted the woman when she was all alone or Adam may have been silently and passively present during the temptation of his wife.

  6. 我们不确定当撒旦引诱那女人的时候,亚当是否在场。当魔鬼引诱女人的时候或许只有她一个人在,也或许亚当也在场只是没有作为。

  7. What sins did the woman and her husband commit in the matter of the woman giving some fruit to her husband and her husband’s acceptance and eating of the fruit? (verse 6 b)

  8. 女人给他丈夫吃了树上的果子,在这件事中,女人和她丈夫分别犯了什么罪?(第6节第2部分)

  9. By choosing to sin, Adam and his wife were changed in their knowledge and experience of good and evil. What shocking realizations did they experience? (verse 7)

  10. 亚当和妻子因为犯罪改变了以前对善恶的认识,在这种情况下他们意识到了什么令他们震惊?(第7节)。

  11. How did our first (now sinful) ancestors attempt to deal with their shame and guilt? (verse 7)

  12. 我们的先祖是怎样去遮盖他们的羞耻和罪恶的?(第七节)

Verse 8– 8节

  1. Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as He was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.


  1. How did the man and woman’s sinfulness radically change their relationship with the Lord God? (verse 8) 21. 因着那人和他妻子的罪恶感,他们跟神的关系发生了怎样彻底的变化?

  2. Agree or Disagree? As fallen sinners, people are afraid of God and think that they can avoid Him and elude His justice in some way. (Explain your answer)

  3. 同意或不同意?在罪恶的权势下,人们总是害怕神并且认为在他们可以在某种程度上躲避神和他的公义审判。(请做解释)

Verses 9-12– 9-12节

  1. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” 10) He answered, “I heard You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.” 11) And He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?” 12) The man said, “The woman you put here with me - she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.” 13) Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”


  1. Because the man and woman had inexcusably betrayed His love and violated His command, the Lord God could have acted in righteous anger and destroyed these spiritual rebels. Amazingly, God decided to follow a different course of action. He chose to show this sinful man and woman new expressions of His faithful love: a grace that gave love to people who had forfeited the right to have it and a mercy that showed compassion on people who were helplessly and hopelessly trapped in sin.

  2. 那人和他妻子背弃了神的爱并且违背了神的命令,耶和华神本可以公正地发怒或者将他们摧毁,但令人惊讶的是,神却愿意再次用不同的方式向那人和他妻子彰显他信实的爱,将慈爱给那些本因着犯罪自己已丢弃被爱权利的人,怜悯那些因陷在罪中无望无助的人。

  3. The all-knowing God knew where Adam and his wife were hiding. He did not ask His question in verse 9 to discover their location. What was God trying to accomplish by the question: “Where are you?”

  4. 全能的神知道亚当和他妻子藏在哪里,他却没有直接去揭露他们的藏身地点,耶和华神却问:‘你在哪里?’,为什么?(9节)

  5. What was disappointing and lacking in Adam’s answer to God’s question? (verse 10)

  6. 亚当怎样的回答是令人失望的?(10节)

  7. Why is it that people often refuse to honestly admit their sin?

  8. 人为什么总是不能诚实地面对和承认自己的罪?

  9. How did the Lord respond to Adam’s evasiveness and seek to help him? (verse 11)

  10. 耶和华神怎样回应亚当的,又是怎样努力要帮助他的?(11节)

  11. Instead of taking responsibility for his sin, who did Adam try to blame? (verse 12)

  12. 亚当不是主动为罪负责反而企图将责任推卸给谁?(12节)

  13. We note here that under the power of sin, the two most precious blessings in life- 1) a person’s relationship with God and 2) a person’s relationships with other people - are destroyed. Adam is separated from both God and his wife because of his sin.

  14. 我们注意到在罪的权势下,人最宝贵的两个祝福:1)人与神以及2)人与人美好的关系–被破坏了。因着罪,亚当跟神和他妻子都隔离了。

  15. What was wrong with the woman’s answer to God’s question about her sin? (verse 13)

  16. 女人面对神对她的罪的质问,她的回答有什么错误的地方?(13节)

  17. Agree or Disagree? We actually can blame the devil for making us sin. (Explain your answer.)

  18. 同意或不同意?实际上我们总是将我们犯罪的根源归咎于是撒旦的引诱。(请解释)

  19. The woman was the first one to sin, but we notice that God choose to speak to Adam first about his sin. Why would God do that? (see Ephesians 5:22-23)

  20. 女人是最先犯罪的,但是神却先责问亚当他的罪,神为什么要这样做(以弗所书5:22-23)

  21. A Christian who thought about what Adam and his wife had done and left undone in this experience with Satan and then with God in the Garden of Eden, commented: “Genesis 3 is our family history, and it should make us weep.” What do you think he meant by those words?

  22. 一个基督徒想到亚当和他妻子在伊甸园中跟撒旦发生的已成的事和未成的事,评价说:“创世纪第三章描写的是我们家族的历史并且是让我们为之哀恸的事。“你怎样理解这句话。

Verses 14-15– 14-15节

  1. So the Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, ‘Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. 15) And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will crush your head, and you will strike His heel.”


  1. God had helped Adam and his wife admit their sin and had exposed their inadequate ways of dealing with their sin. Now, He would tell them of His solution that would deliver them from the guilt and punishment they deserved.

  2. 神让亚当和他妻子供认了他们的罪行并且揭示了他们的不当之处。现在,他愿意他们从本该承受的罪恶和惩罚中救出来。

  3. God addressed both the devil and the creature, the snake, that Satan used. In verse 14, God spoke primarily to the snake. In verse 15 He spoke primarily to the devil.

  4. 神诅咒了撒旦和被撒旦所利用的蛇,在第14节中,上帝是对蛇说话,在第15节中神是对撒旦说的。

  5. What curse did God place on the snake, the creature Satan used to tempt the woman? (verse 14)

  6. 神是怎样诅咒被撒旦利用并且引诱女人犯罪的蛇的?(14节)

  7. What message would the image of the snake having to slither on the ground and eat dust send to people about the Fall into Sin and God’s response to it?

  8. 通过蛇被诅咒终身爬行并且吃土,神想告诉我们人犯罪堕落后的情形是什么,神是如何对待这事的?

  9. What is good about the fact that God Himself would create a hatred and division between Satan and the woman who had formed a friendship in opposition to God? (verse 15a)

  10. 神使联合反对神的撒旦和女人彼此为仇,互不相容,这有何好处?(15a节)

  11. Who would the offspring or followers of 1) the devil and his ways and of 2) the woman and her ways be? (verse 15a)

  12. 谁是1)女人的后裔和效法者2)撒旦的后裔和效法者?(15a节)

  13. At the end of verse 15, God speaks of a special male descendant of the woman whom God would raise up to fight against the devil and, who, at great cost to himself, would defeat him. Who would this person be? (Galatians 3:16 and 4:4-5; and 1 John 3:8)

  14. 在15节的最后,神说他将兴起一个女人的后裔会付出巨大的代价对抗魔鬼并且打败他。这人是谁?(加拉太书3:16和4:4-15,约翰一书3:8)

  15. As God spoke to the devil about his inevitable defeat, what good news was He promising to the man and the woman about their situation as sinners?

  16. 正如神所说他必定胜过撒旦,这对于作为罪人的男人和女人是个怎样的佳音?

  17. This announcement of the devil’s defeat through the woman’s descendant is the first Gospel promise God made. He spoke this message of rescue and victory to our first parents when need it most and when they deserve it least. 42. 宣告女人的后裔必胜过撒旦是神的第一次福音性应许。在他们最需要却最不配得的时候神向我们的始祖宣告了这样救恩和得胜的信息。

Verses 16-19– 16-19节

  1. To the woman, He said, “I will greatly increase your pain in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” 17) To Adam He said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat of it,’ “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. 18) It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. 19) By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”


  1. After God spoke to the devil about His ultimate defeat, He spoke to the woman and to the Adam about painful consequences that they and their descendants would face as a result of sin.

  2. 在神告诉撒旦他的最终胜利之后,他告诉女人和亚当,他们和他们的后裔将要承受痛苦–那是罪的后果。

  3. What painful things would the woman and her descendants experience? (verse 16)

  4. 女人和她的后裔将要经历什么痛苦?(16节)

  5. What penalizing things would Adam and his descendants experience (verses 17-19)


  1. God administered these afflictions in a spirit of love for people. What would God purpose be in allowing these problems to come to people? (see Job 33:14-22, 29-30)

  2. 神这样惩罚是因为他对人的爱。上帝允许这些磨难临到人是基于怎样的目的和考虑?(约伯记33:14-22,29-30)

Verses 20-24– 20-24节

  1. Adam named his wife, Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living. 21) The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. 22) And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever. 23) So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. 24) After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.


  1. How did Adam show his faith in God’s merciful promises by the name he chose for his wife? (verse 20)

  2. 亚当通过给他妻子起名反应了他如何相信神慈爱的应许?

  3. How did God show His love for Adam and Eve in the gift He gave them? (verse 21)


  1. Why did God decide that Adam and Eve and all their descendants had to be banished for all time from the Garden of Eden? (verses 22-24)

  2. 神为什么要让亚当和夏娃乃至他们的后裔都永远从伊甸园中驱逐出来?(22-24节)

  3. Why was this banishment also a merciful action on God’s part?

  4. 站在神的角度上,为什么驱逐也是神爱的一种体现?

  5. “Because of our sin, our life is no longer an occasion to experience paradise on earth. Because of God’s grace, our life is now an opportunity to gain paradise in heaven.” (Explain what these sentences mean.)

  6. 因为我们的罪,我们就不再能再地上的生活中经历天堂,但因神的慈爱我们的人生又是进入天堂的机会。(请解释这句话的意思)