Appendix 附录 5

Appendix 附录 5 分类:基督徒敬拜 Christian Worship 作者:Dr. Glen L. Thompson 点击数:1592 THE PASTOR: HIS CLOTHING AND ACTIONS 牧师:服饰和举动 CLOTHING 服饰 The clothing worn by a pastor has two main purposes: 牧师所穿的服侍主要有两个目的:

  1. It identifies him as a called minister of the Gospel 可以认出他是一个为福音受呼召的牧者
  2. It hides the man and emphasizes his ministry 隐藏人并彰显他的事工 Originally, worship was more informal and the leaders did not wear any special clothing. However, once worship became formalized in the fifth century, it quickly became customary for the leaders of the worship service to wear special clothing. 早期时,敬拜是不拘形式的,带领者并不穿特殊的服饰。但在五世纪时,敬拜变得更正式时,很快就形成了带领敬拜者穿着特殊服饰的习惯。 Originally the most common garment was an alb – a white linen robe reaching to the ankles. It had narrow sleeves and no collar. This eventually came to be worn over a cassock (the normal street attire of the day, usually a tighter fitting black robe) or over a looser, heavier academic robe (worn by medieval professors and teachers). After the Reformation, many Protestant clergymen stopped wearing the alb and just wore the black robe. For several centuries Lutheran pastors, however, continued to wear the alb. 早期最常见的外衣是麻布长袍(alb)–白色的麻布长袍长至脚踝。袖管是窄的、没有衣领。后来这种穿着演变为穿黑袍法衣(cassock)(当时在路上常见的服饰是紧身的黑袍)或是穿一件宽松、笨重的学士袍(通常由专业的医务人员或教师穿着)在宗教改革之后,很多新教的教士不再穿麻布长袍(alb)而仅穿一件黑袍。然而,数个世纪以来,路德宗的牧师一直坚持穿麻布长袍(alb) A stole, a kind of colored scarf, also came to be worn over the alb or black robe. It was put around the back of the neck and fell to the knees. The color of the stole reflected the season of the church year (see the Church Year chart in Appendix 2). 圣带,是一种彩色的绶带,也与麻布长袍和黑袍一同穿着。圣带绕在脖子后面,长至脚面。圣带的色彩反映出教会的节期(参看附录2的教会节期表) ACTIONS 举动 The pastor has two main roles during the church service. 在教会侍奉时,牧师有两个主要的身份。
  3. He speaks God’s Word to the congregation. 他将神的话语传讲给会众。
  4. He leads the congregation in speaking to God 他带领会众向神说话 When speaking God’s Word to his people, the pastor normally faces the people. When speaking for the people to God (leading prayer, etc.), he usually faces the altar which represents God’s presence in the church building. When facing the altar, he may at times bow in order to show his reverence for God. 当传讲神的话语给祂的子民时,牧师通常面向人群。当代表人向神说话时(代祷,等等),他通常面向祭坛,祭坛象征着神在教会建筑物中的临在。当面向祭坛时,他会不时的躬身以示对神的崇敬。 The pastor also makes certain symbolic gestures with his hands and arms. When he mentions the name of Christ, he often makes the sign of the cross to remind us of Christ’s greatest action for us. At times he may spread out his arms with palms upraised as a sign of prayer to God. He may lift up his outstretched arms also as a sign of blessing. All of these actions are types of body language used to show the words being said. 牧师还用他的手和双臂做具有特定意义的手势。当他提及基督的名时,通常会做十字架的手势来提醒我们基督为我们所做的伟大行动。有时,他会展开手臂,抬起手掌,做出向神祷告的手势。他会举起双手来作为祝福的手势。所有的这些举动都是一种肢体的语言,用来表现所说的话语。