Appendix 附录 1

Appendix 附录 1 分类:基督徒敬拜 Christian Worship 作者:Dr. Glen L. Thompson 点击数:2170 Common Service(pages 15-25) Word and Sacrament(pages 26-37) Service of the Word (pages 38-51) Explanation Hymn Hymn Hymn The service is begun with a song of praise to God. Confession of Sins Confession of Sins Confession of Sins The worshiper comes into God’s house in humility, confessing his sin and unworthiness.The pastor announces God’s forgiveness to the worshipers.Often the ancient Christian refrain “Lord have mercy” is sung in connection with the confession and absolution. Lord Have Mercy Absolution Absolution Absolution Lord Have Mercy Glory Be to God O Lord our Lord Oh, Taste and See After hearing that God has forgiven his sin, the worshiper responds with a song of praise. Prayer of the Day Prayer of the Day Prayer of the Day The pastor speaks a prayer based on important thoughts for the season of the church year. First Lesson First Lesson First Lesson The first lesson for the day is usually a reading from the Old Testament, the second a reading from a New Testament letter, and the third a reading from one of the four Gospels. All the readings are selected to fit the season of the church year and to complement one another.Between the first two readings an appropriate Psalm is sung or said. Between the second and third readings comes a selected verse, or the Alleluia is sung. Psalm of the Day Psalm of the Day Psalm of the Day Second Lesson Second Lesson Second Lesson Verse of the Day (or Alleluia) Verse of the Day (or Alleluia) Verse of the Day (or Alleluia) Gospel Gospel Gospel Creed Hymn of the Day Hymn of the Day A hymn, often on the same subject as the sermon is sung.The pastor then proclaims God’s Law and Gospel in his sermon.The worshipers confess their common faith by joining in the Apostles’ or Nicene Creed (before or after the sermon). Hymn of the Day Sermon Sermon Sermon Creed Creed Offering Offering Offering The worshipers give their financial offerings to the Lord. Prayer of the Church Prayer of the Church Prayer of the Church A general prayer for all occasions is spoken by the pastor. Lord’s Prayer Lord’s Prayer Lord’s Prayer The entire congregation joins in the Lord’s Prayer. Preface Preface A pastor and people greet each other and praise the Lord as they prepare to receive the Lord’s body and blood. Holy, Holy, Holy Holy, Holy, Holy An ancient hymn is used to praise the Lord for his goodness. Words of Institution Words of Institution The Words of Institution remind the worshipers that they are following the Lord’s command in this celebration and that they truly are receiving Jesus’ true body and blood. O Christ, Lamb of God O Christ, Lamb of God An ancient hymn reminds us of that Christ’s death did take away our sins. Distribution Distribution The worshipers receive Christ’s body and blood. Song of Simeon Thanksgiving The Song of Simeon is used to thank the Lord for the gift of his sacrament. Prayer Prayer Prayer A final prayer is spoken by the pastor. Blessing Blessing Blessing The pastor dismisses the worshipers with the blessing of God. 普通敬拜(15-25页) 圣道和圣礼(26-37页) 证道 (38-51页) 解释 诗歌 诗歌 诗歌 敬拜由向神献唱一首赞美诗开始 认罪 认罪 认罪 敬拜者谦卑的进入神的家,承认自己的罪和不配。牧师宣告神对敬拜者的赦免。早期的基督徒在认罪和悔改之间重复颂唱“求主施恩”。 求主施恩 赦罪 赦罪 赦罪 求主施恩 荣耀归于神 耶和华我们的主 你们要尝尝主恩的滋味 在听到神已经赦免他的罪的信息之后,敬拜者以颂赞的诗歌回应 今日祷词 今日祷词 今日祷词 牧师按照教会年历和节期中的重要意义祷告 第一处经文 第一处经文 第一处经文 第一处经文通常选自旧约圣经,第二处经文通常选自新约书信,第三处经文通常选自四福音书中的一卷。所有诵读的经文都按教会年历和节期选择并且能互相补充。在第一处和第二处经文之间诵读或颂唱一首诗篇。在第二处和第三处经文之间颂读一处挑选的经文,或者唱哈利路亚。 今日诗篇 今日诗篇 今日诗篇 第二处经文 第二处经文 第二处经文 今日经节(或唱哈利路亚) 今日经节(或唱哈利路亚) 今日经节(或唱哈利路亚) 福音 福音 福音 信经 今日诗歌 今日诗歌 诗歌,通常选择与证道同一主题的,牧师接下来在他的证道中宣讲神的律法与福音。敬拜者藉着一同诵读使徒信经或尼西亚信经来认信他们共同的信仰(在证道前或者证道后) 今日诗歌 证道 证道 证道 信经 信经 奉献 奉献 奉献 敬拜者将自己的钱财献给神 公祷 公祷 公祷 由牧师献上、适用于各种情形的常规祷告 主祷文 主祷文 主祷文 全体会众一同诵读主祷文 序言 序言 牧师和会众互相问安并赞美神,预备领受主的身体和宝血。 三一颂 三一颂 常用来赞美神的恩慈的古老的诗歌 设立圣餐 设立圣餐 设立圣餐是为了提醒敬拜者,他们是在遵从主的命令来庆祝并且他们是领受了耶稣真实的身体和宝血。 真神羔羊歌 真神羔羊歌 古老的诗歌,提醒我们基督的死将我们的罪赦免。 分领圣餐 分领圣餐 敬拜者领受基督的身体和宝血 西缅颂 感恩 西缅颂通常被用来感谢神所赐的圣礼 祷告 祷告 祷告 牧师做结束的祷告 祝福 祝福 祝福 牧师向敬拜者祝福敬拜者退场