
  1. Where did the people of the world migrate and decide to settle after the Flood? (vs. 1-2)


  1. What common goal did the people embrace and pursue? (v. 4a)


  1. What attitudes about themselves and about God did they express as they undertook this building project? (v. 4b)


  1. What did their choice of building materials indicate about the way they approached this project? (v. 3)


  1. In ten words or less, develop a theme or title to capture the spirit of what this generation of post-Flood people were trying to do with their building project.


  1. What was so wrong about this project that had such a powerful appeal and offered a number of benefits to so many?


  1. Give five examples of how a similar, human-centered, people-glorifying spirit expresses itself in our times.


  1. How did God initially respond to the human race’s effort to remain on the Plain of Shinar and erect its great planned city? (v. 5)


  1. What conclusions did God reach after His thorough review of this great endeavor by the human race? (vs. 6-7)


  1. Why was the confusion of human language an effective choice for God to use in response of the growing opposition of people to Him and His will?


  1. What important things happened as a result of God’s act of confusing human language? (v. 8)

神变乱人们的语言后,发生了什么重大事情? (第8节)

  1. What is significant about the name “Babel”? (v. 9)


  1. Agree or Disagree? By confusing the language people use to communicate, God actually made it easier for Christians to spread the Gospel. (Explain your answer)


  1. Which two accounts of development (the 5th and 6th in Genesis) begin in the second part of this chapter? (vs. 10 and 27)


  1. List the ten generations of descent recorded in this section. (vs. 20-32)


  1. Which two people did this section link together? (vs. 10 and 26)


  1. How did this line of descent compare with the one recorded in Genesis 5 in regard to:


a. the number of people listed?

a. 列举的人数

b. the length of people’s lives?

b. 人们的寿命

c. the recording of people’s deaths?

c. 对他们去世的记录

d. the promise of the Messiah?

d. 弥赛亚的应许

  1. What valuable things do we learn about Terah’s son, Abram, in vs. 29-31?
