第三课 神对所有犹太人的审判都是他们应得的

Romans 2:17 – 3:20

罗马书 2:17-3:20


Be prepared to answer: Every person you ever meet in your life has a conscience. A conscience that in part is telling them they have done somethings that are wrong. How can that be helpful as we share our faith with someone?


What is the meaning and thought of the word “declare righteous?”


ROMANS 2:17-24罗马书2:17-24

In the previous section (Romans 2:1-16) Paul spoke about people who lived very moral lives. They could have been Gentiles or Jews, but their lives were marked with far better morals than those described and convicted of guilt in Romans 1. They are however, still guilty because they haven’t consistently kept the law.


Now Paul turns his attention to the Jews in particular. He begins with a series of clauses. Each starts with the word “if”. The thought in each clause is a commonly held perception the Jews had of themselves. They would have quickly agreed with the points. I am glad I am a Jew, I have the law of God and I am in a relationship with God. I know his will because we are the nation that received the revelations from God. I have tested the law and approve of what really matters in life. I am constantly taught by the Law.


Paul makes a turn in the thought in verse 19. He portrayed their privileged position as a Jew. Now he describes the attitude of the Jew toward others. The Jews felt they were in a position to help the spiritually blind, to teach those in the dark about knowing the true God, to instruct those who didn’t have a clue (foolish) about God, to help the helpless (infants) to understand the living Lord.


The Jews were in a unique position but now Paul suddenly starts raising some questions. Were they learning and applying God’s law to themselves? With each question the initial answer might be, “No, I don’t do those things.” After a closer examination, they would have to confess, “Yes, I have.” Their hypocrisy was obvious to the Gentiles and they weren’t attracted to the Lord but rather spoke against the God of Israel. They couldn’t claim salvation on the basis of the law and obedience. They were sinners.



  1. We like the Jews also are privileged to have and learn from God’s

    Word. Why do we need to apply God’s law to our lives as Paul is doing here to the Jews?


  1. How can God’s name be blasphemed (dishonored) in the eyes of people

    around us?

  2. Remember there is no gospel in these early chapters of Romans, as we

    apply these words to ourselves why do we need to flee to Jesus for comfort and strength?


ROMANS 2:25-29罗马书2:25-29

The Jew could still think, but I have been circumcised. That will count before God. Paul demolishes that thought! Paul’s first point is that circumcision only has value if the law is still kept perfectly. If one breaks the law, circumcision wouldn’t help, the person is like an uncircumcised individual (vs 25). If the Jew is like an uncircumcised person, they aren’t part of God’s people. In verse 26, Paul reverses it. If an uncircumcised person keeps God’s law consistently (in theory – this isn’t possible because we are all sinners) they will be regarded as a child of God (circumcised).


Paul continues by saying the Gentile (uncircumcised) will condemn the Jew who hasn’t kept God’s law perfectly. Is that what Jesus was saying in Matthew 12:41-42? The Gentiles who heard God’s call to repentance will stand in judgment over the Jews who rejected the Savior. The Jewish trust in their family background, their partial obedience to God’s will and that they were outwardly circumcised has been blown apart by these words.


Paul isn’t done. In verse 28-29, he makes the point that circumcision is something inward worked by the Spirt in someone’s heart and has an outward action to remind the person they are a child of God. A Jew before God is first someone whose heart has been changed by the Spirit. This isn’t a new thought in Scripture. Remember Old Testament passages where God spoke of Israel’s uncircumcised hearts (Leviticus 26:41)? God called upon Israel to circumcise their hearts (Deuteronomy 10:16, 30:6). Circumcision was always spiritual with an outward sign to remind each person. Circumcision was always a cutting of the heart (cutting away sin – repentance) and a trust in the compassionate and gracious God who forgave their sin through the promised Messiah.

保罗并没有停止。在28-29节中,他指出心里的割礼是内在的,是圣灵在人心里的工作。外在的行为是提醒人他们是神的儿女。属神的犹太人首先是一个心被圣灵改变的人。这不是圣经中的新观点。回想旧约经文中神提到以色列人未受割礼的心(利未记26:41)神呼召以色列人割除心里的污秽(申命记10:16,30:6) 。割礼是属灵的,割礼的外在记号是为了提醒每一个人。割礼是心的割礼(隔绝罪 – 悔改)并信靠慈爱怜悯的神藉着应许的弥赛亚赦免了他们的罪。

Notice that the identity of God’s people isn’t based on family or obedience but on the Spirit working in the heart of a person. The Bible says, “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Galatians 3:29). The believer in Jesus is Abraham’s seed – a descendant of Abraham – not by a physical connection but by a faith like Abraham trusting God’s word and promise.

注意,属神的人的身份不是基于家庭或归顺,而是圣灵在人心里的工作。圣经说,“你们既属乎基督,就是亚伯拉罕的后裔,是照着应许承受产业的了。"(加拉太书3:29 )在耶稣里的信徒是亚伯拉罕的后裔——不是靠肉身的连接而是藉着信心,正如亚伯拉罕信靠神的话语和祂的应许一样。


  1. What can be some dangerous thoughts or attitudes (similar to the

    Jews) that could give us a false sense of security that we are God’s children?


  1. In what way could it be said that every believer, no matter what

    their ethnic background, is a Jew? 28-29


ROMANS 3:1-4罗马书3:1-4

Paul has made the strong point that simply being a circumcised Jew doesn’t result in the person being a child of God and an heir of eternal life. An inward circumcision of the heart, a belief in God’s Word was critical. This was jarring for most Jews because they believed the most important things were outward. Anticipating their objection he asks their question, What is the advantage of being a Jew? He answers quickly you have the inspired Word of God. If someone doesn’t believe the Word of God that doesn’t make God’s Word a lie. God’s Word remains true and will never be proved false.


Part of the difficulty of this section is that Paul moves quickly from one question to an answer to another logical question that might be raised and then a quick answer again.



  1. What important reminder for us is found in vs. 1-2?


  1. How does God’s absolute faithfulness even when we are unfaithful

    give us encouragement and strength?


ROMANS 3:5-8罗马书3:5-8

As Paul continues his rapid fire questions and answers, we get the impression these were actual human arguments that he has heard people raise. People do try to challenge the Christian faith by using human not Godly logic. The questions raised end up trying to ridicule Christianity by setting up some false logical conclusions that end up saying, “Do evil so that God looks holier and more just!” The accusation has even been made that was Paul’s teaching. Paul destroys each question. He finally simply says, “Their condemnation is deserved.” (Romans 3:8) Remember the ongoing point unbelieving Jews are also guilty before God and every attempt to say anything different will only end in judgment of God.



  1. Someone might argue, “If you tell someone their sins are completely,

    fully paid for by Jesus and you simply invite them to believe it. They will then sin all the more because they think they have forgiveness.” How would you respond?


ROMANS 3:9-18罗马书 3:9-18

The Jews are not in a better position nor a worse position before God. Paul gives the reason in the second half of verse 9 “all under sin.” We are all under the continuing condition of sin’s domination. Paul uses seven Old Testament quotations to support his point of the universal nature of sin among humans. He says twice - all have gone their own way; four times – no one is righteous; two times – not even one. There are no exceptions – God can’t find anyone who has kept his will perfectly.

犹太人在神面前既不处于某种超然的地位也不是处于更糟糕的处境。保罗在第9节的后半部分给出原因: “都在罪恶之下” 。我们都一直伏在罪的咒诅之下。保罗引用七处旧约的经文来支持他的观点:人普遍的有着罪的性情。他两次指出,人都偏离正路,四次——没有一个义人,两次-连一个也没有。没有任何例外的情况——神找不着任何一个完全遵行祂旨意的人。

He then portrays the terrible results of sin in the world. As an open grave with a body decaying in it has a strong odor, so are our sinful throats whose words are foul smelling before God. Mouths that speak deceitful words, hurtful words (poison), cursing or bitter words. Bitter words are rebellion against God as we are angry or frustrated with a difficulty that God has allowed into our life. The actions of humans reflect sin as well (vs. 15-16). As people live in this rebellion there is no respect for God but only refusal to listen to him and a lifting up of self before God. The evidence of the universality of sin is seen in every single human being.



  1. What does it mean to be “under sin” (vs 9)?


  1. Paul says, “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” (18) How is

    that the root sin of all others?

保罗说,“他们眼中不怕 神。"(18节)这为什么是其它罪的根源?

ROMANS 3:19-20罗马书3:19-20

The last word of this section is “sin.” Literally the Greek word means to miss the mark. It is used in the context of archery and an arrow missing the bull’s eye. This obviously is an important word in the Bible. God’s law identifies the target we are to hit with a perfect obedience but we miss the mark. We fail to keep it perfectly and so we fall short of hitting the center of the target. Because of the law we are aware, conscious, of the fact that we are sinful. The law only brings us a knowledge of our sin, not the forgiveness of sins. Since we can not find the perfection inside of us, we will only find it outside of us.


KEYWORD: SIN – Miss the mark, failing to hit the bull’s eye of perfection to the law

关键字:罪 —— 没有命中目标,不能命中完全遵行律法的靶心。


  1. What does the word “accountable to God” communicate to you?\


  2. Why do we have to keep teaching the law over and over again to God’s



**[Preparing for next week’s class]{.ul}**预习下周的课程

  1. Read Romans 3:21 – 3:31


  1. Read Romans – the People’s Bible Pages 57-67

阅读罗马书——大众圣经 第57-67页

  1. Read Romans 3:21 – 3:31 a second time but this time out loud.


Be prepared to answer: Why do we need to continually apply the law to our own heart?
