第四课 -- 神的无罪宣告是为所有人预备的

Romans 3:21 – 3:31

罗马书 3:21 – 3:31


Why do we need to continually apply the law to our own heart?


ROMANS 3:21-24 罗马书 3:21-24

Paul stated the dreadful predicament every human being faces before God in the previous chapters. Every single person, no matter what race, Jew or Gentile, moral or immoral, religious or irreligious, is guilty and without excuse before God. Suddenly in vs 21, he begins, “But now.” There is a righteousness (see Greek word below), a declaration of innocence that has its source in God. It has nothing to do with obedience to the law. God has revealed it. He has put it out into the open for all to see. The Law and the prophets (Old Testament writers) spoke of free forgiveness through faith not only for the Jews but also for the Gentiles. Twice (vs 21,22) Paul emphasized this righteousness comes from God. How does this righteousness come to an individual person? Through faith in Jesus, we simply believe what God has said.

保罗在前一章中澄明了每个人在神面前都处于极为不堪的窘境中。每一个人,无论民族,犹太人还是外邦人,品行端正的还是不道德的,笃信宗教的或是无信仰的,都亏欠神且无从辩解。然而从21节开始,保罗话锋一转, “但如今,” 有义显明出来(参看后文中的希腊文释义)这义就是从神来的无罪宣告。这和遵行律法无关。神已经将之显明出来,让所有人可以看见。律法和先知(旧约的作者)证明藉着信而得的白白的赦免之恩,不仅赐给犹太人也赐给了外邦人。保罗两次(21,22节)强调这义是从神来的。神的义怎么临到一个人身上呢?就是藉着在耶稣里的信心,我们仅仅信靠神所说的话语。

Once again he states that there is no difference between Jew and Gentile – every single human being has sinned. Those same people, every single human being, were declared not guilty by the payment Christ made for the world. God repeatedly says that the whole world was declared not guilty through Jesus sacrifice. God recorded the words of John the Baptist, “Look the Lamb of God who takes away the sin [of the world]{.ul}.” (Jn 1:29) God’s Word says, “God was reconciling [the world]{.ul} to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them.” (II Cor. 5:19) The Bible says, “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for [all men]{.ul}.” (I Tim. 2:5) Of course we could simply recall Jesus words, “For God so loved [the world]{.ul} that he gave his one and only Son.” (Jn 3:16) Jesus didn’t give himself for some percentage of the world’s population. He gave himself for the world – yes all human beings. Every single human being has been declared not guilty before God through Jesus. That declaration is given freely. We can’t in any way earn it or somehow pay for it. It is a gift from God.

他再次说明犹太人和外邦人没有区别——每一个人都犯了罪。同样,每一个犯了罪的人也都因基督付上的代价而被宣告无罪。上帝不断宣告世人都因耶稣的所献的祭而被宣告无罪。神这样记录施洗约翰的话,“看哪, 神的羔羊,除去[世人]{.ul}罪孽的!"(约翰福音1:29)神的话说,“这就是 神在基督里,叫[世人]{.ul}与自己和好,不将他们的过犯归到他们身上”(哥林多后书5:19) 圣经上说,“因为只有一位 神,在 神和人中间,只有一位中保,乃是降世为人的基督耶稣,他舍自己作万人的赎价”(提摩太前书2:5-6a) 我们都会记得耶稣的话,“神爱[世人]{.ul},甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不致灭亡,反得永生。“耶稣没有仅把自己给世界上一部分的人。他把自己给了世人——就是所有的人。每个人都藉着耶稣在神面前被宣告无罪。这样的宣告是白白赐下的。我们绝无可能为之付上代价。这是从神而来的礼物。

KEYWORD: RIGHTEOUSNESS – Declare not guilty A word that comes from the courtroom of the Romans. It means that a judge has declared a person cleared of the charge that was brought against him.



  1. How does this section of Romans and all of Scripture bring out the

    teaching that the whole world has been declared not guilty before God?


  1. 2.How does God’s world-wide declaration of innocence become the

    possession of an individual person? (vs 22)


  1. Since the whole world has been declared innocent, why doesn’t

    everybody go to heaven?


  1. Why can you walk up to any person anywhere and confidently say to

    them, “Jesus has paid for your sins. You are forgiven before God”?


ROMANS 3:25-26 罗马书 3:25-26

Paul continues to describe how God had all people declared not guilty before him without compromising his holy justice to punish wrong doing. In vs 25 the word translated, “God presented him” has the idea of something or someone set out in front of people, doing a public display. God did something very public with his Son. He calls it “a sacrifice of atonement.” That is an interesting word. It means “to satisfy someone so his anger is gone.” The word is also connected to the Old Testament Great Day of Atonement, celebrated every year. Professor Panning explained one aspect of that festival in the People’s Bible. There is another aspect to it. The high priest took the blood of an animal into the Holy of Holies and sprinkled it on the cover of the Ark of the Covenant. Atonement was made for sin. God was satisfied so his anger over sin was gone. Everybody knew an animal didn’t take away sin before God but this symbolized what would take place when Messiah came. Jesus blood was offered in the Holy of Holies in heaven (Heb 9:11-14). The cover of the ark was where God’s justice and his mercy meet. With Christ’s sacrifice God’s justice and mercy met. The sin of the world was not forgotten but was punished through Jesus blood. Paul emphasizes that God had left the sins of Old Testament people unpunished. He was patient, waiting until Jesus came. So God is just – he punishes wrong doing and also the one who justifies. Jesus payment for the sin of the world becomes ours simply through faith as we believe what Jesus did.

保罗继续述说神如何是所有人在祂面前称义,同时又不违背祂圣洁的公义,就是祂一定要刑罚罪恶。在25节,圣经原文中 “神设立耶稣” 这句话原文的含义中包含着把人或事物放在众人面前公开展览的意思。神和祂的儿子在进行公开的事工。神称之为 “挽回祭” 。这是一个很有意思的词。 它的含义是,让某人满意以致于他不再发怒。这个词也和旧约中每年的赎罪日有关。Panning 教授在大众圣经读本中这个日子的部分含义。这日子还有其它意义。大祭司带着动物的血进入至圣所并弹血在施恩座上。赎罪日是为罪设立的。神达到目的因此祂因罪而起的怒气得以止息。人都知道动物的血不能除去我们在神面前的罪。但这象征着当弥赛亚来时要发生的事。耶稣的血在天上的至圣所被献上。(希伯来书9:11-14)。施恩座就是神的公义和恩典交汇的地方。藉着耶稣的献祭神的公义和恩典会合了。世人的罪不是被忘却了而是藉着耶稣的血得以刑罚。保罗强调说,神宽容旧约时人的罪。祂忍耐等候耶稣来到。因此神是公义的——祂刑罚恶行同时使人称义。耶稣为世人的罪所付上的代价赐给了我们,单单藉着信心就是信靠耶稣的话。

KEYWORD: SACRIFICE OF ATONEMENT – Satisfy someone so his anger is gone

**关键词:**挽回祭 —— 让某人满意以致于他不再发怒。


  1. What comes first God’s declaration of not guilty because of Jesus or

    personal Christian faith in Jesus?


  1. Jesus paid for the sins of everybody. That means even the people

    that end up in hell had their sins paid for. Why did they end up in hell if Jesus paid for their sins?


ROMANS 3:27-31 罗马书 3:27-31

Boasting is a part of our self-centered sinful nature. Some cultures may express it more forcefully in words and other cultures or people may keep boasting confined to their thoughts. But all boasting is excluded in the Christian faith because we do nothing to get acquitted before God. Jesus did it all with his life and death for all people. God gives us a right standing before him simply through faith in Jesus blood. The word translated, “we maintain” vs. 28 has the idea of thinking something through very carefully and then can include what one realizes after thinking it through carefully. After thinking through carefully what God’s Word says, it is obvious we are acquitted before God through faith in Jesus and not by anything we might do. Jew and Gentile alike are not guilty before God through faith in Jesus. I suspect you noticed in vs 30 the words, “will justify”. How does that fit in with everything Paul has been saying? Remember the first point – Jesus came to take away the sin of the world. His life and death for all humans produced the Father’s verdict of not guilty for all humans. The second point made: that universal acquittal becomes the possession of an individual person through trust in Jesus. Faith being created in people will continue into the future and they will receive the benefit of what Christ did for them. Faith doesn’t contribute anything to our acquittal before God. It receives that acquittal through believing what God has said.

Paul doesn’t want a wrong impression to be given. He isn’t saying in all of this that the law is useless. It has a very important purpose. The law still reveals our sin and the very just anger God has with us. If we don’t understand the anger of God over our rebellion against him, we can’t understand it being satisfied at the cross through Jesus death for us. God’s law and gospel are vital in the Christian faith.




  1. Why is boasting about ourselves and how we live contrary to the

    Christian faith?


  1. Why are law and gospel both important to be shared with people?



  1. Read Romans 4:1 – 15

阅读罗马书 4:1 – 15

  1. Read Romans – the People’s Bible Pages 67-74

阅读罗马书——大众圣经读本 67-74页

  1. Read Romans 4:1 – 15 a second time but this time out loud.

再次大声朗读罗马书4:1 – 15

Review Scripture and be prepared to talk about how Jesus life, death and resurrection resulted in God declaring everybody not guilty before him.
