第一课 什么是敬拜?

  1. What is worship?


  2. Worship is both a personal and group activity


  3. In worship we give ourselves to God, but more importantly God gives his Word and Sacraments to us.


  4. The God of heaven is with us everywhere, but in a special way in group worship.


  5. Worship can be spontaneous, but planned structured worship has advantages.


  6. God is pleased with our humble worship, but worship is a gift to God and therefore should be the best we can offer.

    上帝喜悦我们谦卑的敬拜,但是敬拜也是我们献给上帝的礼物, 因此我们应当献上最好的。

  7. Worship is a universal experience but should reflect a Christian’s culture.


  8. When we worship we fellowship with God and fellowship with other Christians

    敬拜是我们与上帝之间的交通, 也是基督徒之间的团契

What is worship? 什么是敬拜?

Genesis 22:5 – Abram said to his servants, “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.”

创世纪22:5 – 亚伯拉罕对他的仆人说:“你们和驴在此等候,我与童子往那里去拜一拜,就回到你们这里来。”

What did Abram and Isaac do “over there”?


9 Aspects of worship in the Bible 圣经中关于敬拜的9个观点

  1. ———————————- Psalm 100:2 诗篇 100:2
  2. ———————————- Matthew 4:9 马太福音 4:9
  3. ———————————- Joshua 22:27 约书亚记 22:27
  4. ———————————- Luke 2:37 路加福音 2:37
  5. ———————————- 2 Kings 17:34 列王记下 17:34
  6. ———————————- Ezra 7:19 以斯拉记 7:19
  7. ———————————- Matthew 14:33 马太福音 14:33
  8. ———————————- Romans 12:1罗马书 12:1
  9. ———————————- Luke 4:8 路加福音 4:8

Conclusion: Worship is our humble and obedient approach to the true God in prayer, praise and offerings. Worship takes place through special acts and in our entire daily life.

In the Bible, the word worship emphasizes one or more of the meanings just given. Already in the early church, however, the word worship came to be used in the narrower meaning of our church service – our praise and offerings to God and the proclamation of God to us in Word and Sacrament. In this course we will use the term A worship service when we are thinking of this narrower meaning.


其实,在《圣经》里,“敬拜”一词强调的意思远不止上述的含义。在初期教会中,“敬拜”一词就专指教会礼拜仪式— —会众赞美上帝并向上帝献上奉献同时上帝藉着道和圣礼与我们相交。因此,在这一课中我们提到“敬拜”狭义的含义时,我们会用到“礼拜仪式”这个词。

Discussion Questions 讨论题

  1. When many Christians think of “worship”, they first think of the Sunday church service. What parts of our Sunday service would fit the Biblical description of worship?


  2. What parts of the Sunday service would not be “worship” in its narrowest sense.

    主日教会礼拜仪式的哪些内容不符合“敬拜”狭义的含义呢 ?

  3. What aspects of worship mentioned above are usually not part of our worship services on Sunday?


  4. When we pray, we “talk to” God – thanking him, praising him, and often requesting things from him. What makes prayer important is the fact that God hears us and answers our prayers. Thus we might say that prayer is a 2-way conversation – our talking to God, and his answering us. In what ways is worship also 2-way?


  5. In what ways is our Sunday church service 2-way?


  6. Read John 4: 19-24. How does Jesus’ understanding of worship differ from that of the woman at the well?

    阅读约翰福音 4:19-24。耶稣理解的敬拜和井边妇人理解的敬拜有什么不同?

Homework 作业

At your worship this weekend, take notes on the service – the order followed, mark what is technically ‘worship’ and what parts are not. If not, why do we have them in the service? Bring your notes to discuss next week in class.
