Romans 9-16 Final Exam

Student Name: __________________________________________ Grade:____________

姓名: __________________________________________________ 成绩: _____________

Instructions: The exam has 41 multiple choice questions that cover the important points from each chapter of Romans. You are to elect the most correct answer to complete each statement and put the letter of that answer in the underlined blank.


Romans 9 罗马书9章

  1. Paul had such a deep love for His fellow Jews that he was willing to ___ if only they would repent of their sins, believe in Jesus as their Savior and go to heaven.


    a. go to prison for the rest of his life 为他们在余生中坐监

    b. be put to death for his faith 为信仰的缘故受死

    c. give up his place in heaven and go to hell 放弃去天国的地位而去地狱

  2. Paul explained that the reason why many Jews were not saved was not because there was something wrong with God’s Word but because they ____.


    a. had never been told God’s Word 从来就不知道神的话

    b. had too much knowledge of God’s Word 对神的话语知道的太多了

    c. refused to believe God’s Word 拒绝相信神的话

  3. Paul also explained that salvation depends on ___ as Abraham did and not on the basis of being physically descended from Abraham.


    a. believing God’s saving promises 相信神的救恩应许

    b. leading a good life 生活中是人们的好榜样

    c. obeying God’s call 遵行神的呼召

  4. Paul taught that because God is God, He cannot be accused of injustice if He is pleased to ____ as He wishes.


    a. show mercy on people 怜悯人

    b. torment people 折磨人

    c. leave people without help 不管不顾人

  5. One reason that God is patient with people who disobey and reject Him is ____.


    a. He needs time to decide how to punish them 祂需要时间来决定如何刑罚他们

    b. He is very tolerant of sin. 祂对罪非常宽容

    c. He is pleased to give sinners opportunity to repent and be saved 祂愿意给罪人机会好让他们悔改得救

  6. By quoting several Old Testament prophets at the close of the chapter, Paul demonstrated that God’s gracious plan of salvation is so save many Gentiles and ____ of the Jews.


    a. all 全部

    b. the majority 大部分的

    c. some 一些

Romans 10 罗马书10章

  1. The reason so many Jews were not saved is because they incorrectly pursued righteousness by ____.


    a. trying to create their own by their works 想要藉着自己的行为立自己的义

    b. purchasing it with money 用钱财称义

    c. thinking the faith of their ancestors protected them 以为他们的先祖的信心会保守他们

  2. When Paul said that Christ is the end or fulfillment of the law, he meant that Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies of God’s Word about the Messiah and that He ____.


    a. taught the law more completely than anyone ever had 比任何人更全面的教导律法

    b. added several new commands to the law given in the Old Testament 在旧约中的律法上增加了些新的律法

    c. obeyed all the law’s demands perfectly 完全的行全了律法中的要求

  3. Paul contrasted the way of righteousness by the law with the way of righteousness by faith. He said that righteousness by the law requires people to do all the law says, while righteousness by faith was a ____ of God.


    a. brilliant idea 绝妙的主意

    b. pure gift 完全的礼物

    c. valuable possession 宝贵财产

  4. When Paul said that God is the same Lord of both Jews and Gentiles, he meant that God has given both groups ____ way of salvation.


    a. the same 同样的

    b. slightly different 有些许差别的

    c. completely different 完全不同的

  5. Paul affirmed that in order for people to believe in Christ and be saved, they must first ____.


    a. stop sinning 停止犯罪

    b. pray for faith 祈求信心

    c. hear God’s Word 听神的话

  6. The people who were ultimately responsible for the tragedy of the Jews who did not believe were ____.


    a. lazy Christians 懒惰的基督徒

    b. their spiritually blind parents 他们在灵里盲目的父母

    c. themselves 他们自己

Romans 11 罗马书11章

  1. Paul affirmed the truth and gave several examples of it that God has not ____ His covenant to save Jewish people.


    a. forgotten 忘记

    b. renewed 更新

    c. negated 取消

  2. God hardened the hearts of the Jews who persistently refused Him in unbelief so that they could ____ believe.


    a. no longer 不再

    b. later on 以后可以

    c. help others 可以让别人

  3. Paul held out the hope that some Jews who had initially rejected Jesus would later come to faith when they saw ____ believe.


    a. Jewish priests 犹太祭祀

    b. Gentiles 外邦人

    c. Roman officials 罗马官长

  4. In the parable of the Cultivated Olive Tree, the wild olive branch grafted into the tree represents ____.


    a. New Testament believers 新约的信徒

    b. believing Jews 犹太信徒

    c. believing Gentiles 外邦人信徒

  5. When Paul declared that “all Israel will be saved”, he likely meant that ____ will be saved.


    a. all Jewish people 所有的犹太人

    b. all God’s spiritual Israel – believing Jews and Gentiles 所有归于神的属灵的以色列人-犹太信徒和外邦人信徒

    c. all the elect Jewish people 所有被拣选的犹太人

  6. In the doxology Paul wrote to close the chapter, he specially praised God for His supreme ____ that surpasses all human understanding.


    a. power and authority 能力和权柄

    b. grace and mercy 恩典和慈悲

    c. wisdom and knowledge 智慧和知识

Romans 12 罗马书12章

  1. Paul called on those who know God’s saving mercies in Christ to offer ____ as living sacrifices to God.


    a. generous financial gifts 大笔的金钱财务

    b. years of service 长久的服事

    c. themselves 他们自己

  2. Paul urged believers to no longer be conformed to the world’s thoughts, but to be spiritually transformed in their minds so they can know and follow ____.


    a. their true feelings 他们真实的感受

    b. more exalted thoughts 更加超越的样式

    c. God’s perfect will 神纯全的旨意

  3. As the human body has many members with difficult functions, so Christ’s Church has many members with different _____.


    a. backgrounds 背景

    b. gifts 礼物

    c. levels of knowledge 不同等次的知识

  4. Paul directed believers to hate ____ and cling to what is good.


    a. evil 恶

    b. evil people 邪恶的人

    c. evil language 坏话

  5. Paul instructed Christians to live ____ others.


    a. in a commune with 亲密

    b. in harmony with 同心

    c. cautiously with 谨慎

  6. Paul taught that Christians are to ____ when they are wronged.


    a. get revenge by themselves 自己报仇

    b. let their family members get revenge for them 让家人为自己报仇

    c. let God avenge them 让神为自己伸冤

Romans 13 罗马书13章

  1. Paul taught that all governments ultimately receive their authority to rule from ____.


    a. their citizens 他们的人民

    b. strong-minded people 有主见的人

    c. God 神

  2. The primary work of earthly governments is to help the welfare of citizens by ____.


    a. creating economic prosperity 创造经济的繁荣

    b. maintaining good order 维持良好的秩序

    c. defeating all its enemies 击败所有的敌人

  3. Paul said that it is necessary for Christians to obey their earthly governments because they want to avoid punishment and they want to have clear _____ before God.


    a. criminal records 犯罪记录

    b. reputations 好名声

    c. consciences 良心

  4. Paul explained that ____ is the fulfillment of God’s law.


    a. love 爱

    b. obedience 顺服

    c. sacrifice 牺牲

  5. Paul urgently appealed to believers to live morally good lives that oppose the desires of their sinful natures because ____.


    a. each day they are getting closer to the time of Jesus’ Second Coming 他们每一天都离耶稣二次再来的时候更近了。

    b. they do not want to be an embarrassment to their families or themselves 他们不会想成为家人或自己的耻辱

    c. punishments such as fines and prison sentences are painful and costly 罚款和坐监的刑罚非常痛苦并且代价巨大

Romans 14 罗马书14章

  1. When Paul discussed the strong and weak Christians in this chapter, he was referring to a difference in ____.


    a. the degree of character 个人的不同

    b. ability to endure persecution for the sake of Christ 为基督的名忍受迫害的能力

    c. knowledge about the things God permits a Christian to do or not do 神许可基督徒去做哪些事、不许可去做哪些事的知识。

  2. Paul told believers that they must answer to ___ for the judgments they make about matters God has neither commanded, nor forbidden them to do.


    a. God 神

    b. their pastor 他们的牧师

    c. their family and friends 他们的家人和朋友

  3. Paul instructed that a strong Christian can ___ a weak Christian by insisting on using his freedom of choice and action in a way that disagrees with the conscience of the weaker person.


    a. educate 教育

    b. spiritually offend 在灵里跌倒

    c. silence 压制

  4. Paul taught that it is ____ to destroy another person’s faith by using one’s freedom in an unloving way.

    保罗教导,不按爱人的道理而使用人的自由并毁坏别人的信心是____ 。

    a. permissible 可行的

    b. regrettable 很遗憾的

    c. wrong 错误的

  5. Paul declared that in all matters a person must follow his ____ and decide and act on the basis of faith, not doubt.


a. feelings   感受

b. personal experiences  个人经验

c. conscience   良心

Romans 15 罗马书15章

  1. Paul directed believers to seek the good of others and not please themselves because ____.


    a. people desperately need help 人们亟需帮助

    b. it will make them feel good about themselves 这会使人自我感觉良好

    c. Jesus strove to please others and not Himself. 因为基督不求自己喜悦

  2. Paul announced that the Bible was written in order to _____ people so that they might gain patient endurance, spiritual encouragement, and eternal hope.


    a. distract 干扰

    b. teach 教导

    c. warn 警告

  3. Paul prayed that God would work a strong spirit of unity among the Jewish and Gentile believers in Rome so that ____.


    a. they would have peace 他们之间有和平

    b. they could accomplish more ministry 他们能够完成更多的事工

    c. God would be glorified 神得荣耀

  4. Paul rejoiced in what ____ accomplished by bringing the gospel to many Gentile people.


    a. Jesus Christ 耶稣基督

    b. Paul himself 保罗自己

    c. his co-workers, Titus and Timothy 他的同工,提多和提摩太

  5. Paul’s long-term goal was to preach the Gospel in ____.

    保罗的长期目标是在____ 传福音。

    a. England 英国

    b. France 法国

    c. Spain 西班牙

Romans 16 罗马书16章

  1. Paul warned Christians to watch out for and ____ those whose false teachings caused divisions in the church.


    a. keep away from 躲避

    b. silence 压制

    c. reason with 规劝

  2. Paul concluded the Book of Romans with a beautiful doxology that praised God for ____.


    a. showing mercy to the Roman believers 向罗马的信徒施怜悯

    b. revealing the saving gospel to the world 向世界启示救赎人的福音

    c. ruling over all things in love and justice 用爱和公义掌管万事