Lesson 2 FAITH

Student Guide



LESSON 2 Lecture Notes

The Functions of Faith

Read Rom 3:28

How alone is a person justified before God?

Read Gal 2:20

How does Paul describe his life as a believer?

Read Eph 2:8-9

Why does faith sanctify us?

Lesson 2 Student Assignment (GSLTW pages 309-315; Chinese 2 pp. 278-284)

  1. Can believers be sure of their salvation?

    a. Ti 1:2

    b. Jn 3:16

  2. When will faith be weak? Mt 14:31, Rev 2:1-6, Jas 1:5-7, 1Jn 5:10-12

  3. When will faith be strong? 2 Ti 1:12, 4:8, Ro 5:5; 8:16, 1 Th 1:5, Mt 15:28

  4. What are some of the reasons as to why a person can lose his faith?

    a. Lk 8:13

    b. Mt 26:33, 69-75, 1 Co 10:21

    c. Gal 5:4

    d. Mt 18:8,9, Ro 13:12

    e. 1 Ti 6:6-10

    f. Mt 10:28, 32, 33, 38, 39

    g. 1 Ti 1:19,20 2 Ti 2:17,18

  5. If a person falls from faith, can God bring the person back to faith again?

    a. 2 Sam 12:13,14

    b. Lk 15:17-24

  6. Identify the two functions of faith.

    a. Ro 3:28

    b. Gal 5:6

  7. What is meant when the Bible says that faith “justifies?” Ro 3:28

  8. What is meant when we say that “faith sanctifies?” Ro 12:1,2

  9. Explain: Though we are justified through faith alone, faith is never alone. Jas 2:17,18

  10. In what different ways is the word “faith” used in the Bible?

    a. Heb 11:1

    b. Ro 3:3

    c. Gal 1:23

    d. Ro 14:23

  11. Define:

    a. Implicit faith

    b. Historic faith

    c. Objective faith

    d. Subjective faith